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The Pony that Did Not Die - Laminitis Text Book


Lamintis Text Book for owners & vets -   The Pony that did not Die.  


Written by a Master Farrier and Equine Podiotherapist listing why traditional treatments are no longer the best way of approaching this crippling problem.  The information in this text may be the very thing that changes the outcome for your horse!

This is 221 pages of up to date valuable information, photos, diagrams etc. perfect for any horse owner who has a laminitic horse, a sub clinically laminitic horse or a good doer (which are insulin resistant horses) prone to lamintis.  Full of scientific data but written so the horse owner can easily understand laminitis and its treatments.  Plus lots of information on the ways you can prevent further attacks.

Written by Australia's leading expert in laminitis care.  Andrew Bowe a Master Farrier & Equine Podiotherapist has spent many years rehabbing and researching this subject with his mentor Veterinary Professor Robert Bowker. 

The book is based on research & rehabilitation work done at Mayfield Bare hoof care Centre with seriously laminitic horses and logs the methods used for their recovery.  Andrew draws on his extensive knowledge based gained from many years of work as a traditional Master farrier and later as an Equine Podiotherapist.  He explains in depth the new approach to laminitis and how it varies from traditional treatments with shoes and why it is now saving so many horses that traditional hoof care has been unable to salvage. 

Andrew wants to share his knowledge and asks that if you have a laminitic horse then to please show this book to your farrier and veterinarian who are treating it traditionally as this information may change the outcome for your horse.

See preview of The Pony that Didn't Die